Home Programs
Focus on helping children, caregivers, adolescents and adults integrate occupational therapy with typical daily activities in the home environment. Furniture, colors, textures, toys, clothing, smells, sounds and activities of daily living act as natural therapeutic materials that assist neurological, cognitive, social, motor and emotional development. Home based programs include...
Education of body-brain connections and how the environment affects the learning process
Coaching caregiver strategies for effective family functioning
Stress Management utilizes sensory modulation-based tools and techniques to manage tension and enhance relaxation
Family Communication explores visual, verbal and play modes to enhance family dynamics
Space Analysis recommendations for creating home spaces that meet individual and family needs
Focus on helping children, caregivers, adolescents and adults integrate occupational therapy with typical daily activities in the home environment. Furniture, colors, textures, toys, clothing, smells, sounds and activities of daily living act as natural therapeutic materials that assist neurological, cognitive, social, motor and emotional development. Home based programs include...
Education of body-brain connections and how the environment affects the learning process
Coaching caregiver strategies for effective family functioning
Stress Management utilizes sensory modulation-based tools and techniques to manage tension and enhance relaxation
Family Communication explores visual, verbal and play modes to enhance family dynamics
Space Analysis recommendations for creating home spaces that meet individual and family needs
School Programs
Can help improve a student’s academic and social skills in the school setting. OTS therapists work with parents and teaching professionals to design therapeutic programs that can be implemented in classroom environments. Occupational therapy programs are designed to improve...
Focus and attention
Executive functioning
Handwriting and typing skills
Following multiple step directions
Transitional behavior
Self advocacy
Organizational skills
Self-monitoring and self-directing
Non-verbal social interaction
Age-appropriate conversation
Peer relationships
Authority relationships
Positive self-image as a student
Visual and auditory memory